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Roll Call Training Videos
Presented in collaboration with the Institute for Coordinated Community Response and K Training & Consulting, LLC.
Special Thanks To:
K Training and Consulting, LLC (Kristen Daley, Kenny Smith)
Little Rock Police Department (Jonathon Tolentino, Tracy Brandon)
Bedford Police Department (Det. Monique Hall, Kim Brown, Officer Amanda Garcia)
Montgomery County Sheriff's Office (Det. Kris Dossey, Det. Nathan Inman, Det. Zach Kiesel, Dep. Sara Michaelson, ADA Jamie Wallace)
Tarrant County Sheriff's Office (Dep. Andrew Connell)
UAMS Medical Center (Sherrie Searcy-Lyle, BA, BSN, RN, SANE-A)
Forensic Center of Excellence (TXFNE Forensic Nurses, TXFNE Volunteers)
Survivor Advocate (Michelle)
Actors (Ilhevya Smith, Angela Rinehart, Chelsey Franklin, Lake Hicks, Lacye Day)
Lindgren Productions (Jon Lindgren)
Sex Crimes, Arlington Police Department (Det. Jacklyn Donalson)
Sex Crimes Unit, Arlington Police Department (Sergt. Tim Pinckney)