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What is "sexual violence?"

La violencia sexual es un acto sexual realizado o intentado contra la voluntad de la víctima o cuando una víctima no puede dar su consentimiento debido a su edad, enfermedad, discapacidad o la influencia del alcohol u otras drogas. Puede implicar fuerza física real o amenazada, uso de pistolas u otras armas, coerción, intimidación o presión.

La violencia sexual también incluye tocar intencionalmente los genitales, el ano, la ingle o el seno contra la voluntad de la víctima o cuando la víctima no puede consentir; y voyeurismo, exposición al exhibicionismo o exposición no deseada a la pornografía. El autor de la violencia sexual puede ser un extraño, un amigo, un familiar o una pareja íntima.

(De los CDC, Centro Nacional de Prevención y Control de Lesiones)

Crisis Centers

What is a rape crisis center? 

  • A Rape Crisis Center (RCC) is a community-based organization that supports survivors of sexual violence. They provide victim advocacy, support for families, and crisis hotlines. 


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Sexual Violence Statistics

Who is affected by sexual assault?

  • Sexual assault is a crime affecting many different individuals in all counties in Arkansas. Sexual violence affects individuals regardless of their race, culture, age, orientation, or socio-economic status.

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More Information

Where can I find more information?

  • Here on our website you can find brochures with information for survivors of sexual assault and articles on other related topics.

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Important Links

Where can I find information on other coalitions and programs?

  • Here on our website you can find links to other coalitions across the country and programs working towards ending sexual violence.

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TeleSANE Program

What is the TeleSANE Program? 

  • Through the use of innovative video conferencing technology, UAMS IDHI Sexual Assault Assessment program or TeleSANE, will provide clinicians with on-going, real-time access to the knowledge and support they need to provide to care for those patients who have experienced a sexual assault.

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© 2024 by the Arkansas Coalition Against Sexual Assault

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